We are the best version of ourselves out here.

It hit me as we were sailing up the Queen’s Reach, sun shining on the towering cliffs beside us, sails pulling wing-on-wing, Kit nestled in the baby carrier on my chest, Jon making fourth coffees of the day, and Zephyr inside doing flips on the handrails.

We don’t know what the heck we’re doing with our lives — it’s been a year of transition as we moved back onto the boat, started homeschooling Z, I finished my executive coaching program on maternity leave, and we’re still toeing the line between Canadian and US-residency in Point Roberts — but out here, on the water, we feel like us. Like the best, outdoor-loving, freedom-seeking, slow-cooking, lazy-mornings-together, afternoon-hiking, intentional-life-living, simplest, purest, bestest versions of us.

There are a million ways to qualify this — it’s taken a year at the dock to get to this point. There’s an awful lot of Minecraft that goes on while we’re sailing long days. Kit is a Velcro baby who still doesn’t sleep through the night. Four coffees is probably too many. And somebody probably has to make money at some point… But I kinda just want to focus on the positive for now, you know?

Cuz what else do you do when you have a realization like this?

The shortest answer seems to be enjoy it.

So that’s what I’m trying to do.