Here’s where we are right now (note that you can click “Message” to send us a note while we’re underway or use this link to go directly to the map page: )
And here’s a little nostalgic look at where we’ve been:
Mexico to Panama to Florida to Maine: January to August 2014

From the moment we bought Brio we had the dream of sailing her to Maine… of transitting the Panama Canal, sailing the Caribbean, anchoring under the Statue of Liberty, and finally dropping the hook in Jon’s hometown. It was a lot of miles & a lot of memories 🙂
El Salvador
El Salvador
Copan, Honduras
Everyday life…
Volcano in El Salvador
Pacific Panama
Pacific Panama
Costa Rica
San Blas Islands
San Blas happiness
San Blas
Panama Canal
Panama Canal
Passage through the Caribbean
Passage making
Providencia, Colombia
Paradise in Peck Lake?
GoPro camera shot
Lady Liberty herself — we’re tucked in to an anchorage right behind her
New York City
It’s not an exaggeration — Maine lobsters are *the* best
Coast of Mexico – San Carlos to Chiapas: Winter 2012 – 2013

Our second season of cruising on Brio we set out planning to sail to Panama… but we didn’t quite make it 🙂 A few boat projects and adventures later, we ended up leaving Brio in Marina Chiapas (Tapachula, Mexico) and coming back for her the next January.
Sea of Cortez: Winter 2011 – 2012

The red line is our route for Winter 2011-2012.
This was our first season of cruising aboard Brio, and we covered just over 1300 miles in six months. We bought the boat out of Marina Seca, just outside of Guaymas in San Carlos, and this is where we brought the boat back to in March. It can’t be beat for dry storage prices! ($136/month for our 33′).
You can read about our 2011-2012 adventures starting here.
An agave plant ~ one of the amazing things about our little exploration of the hillside was all of the plants and flowers. It had rained a couple of days before (a rare thing around here) so all of the little buds were coming out. Jon’s mom gave me an awesome book to identify desert wildflowers, so I will try to post some identified flowers soon! 😀
Just me ‘n’ a cactus
Walking the beach at Isla Coronados (a small island we anchored at earlier this week)
Sunrise over the Sea of Cortez… we live and breathe by the sun here, often going to bed at 8:00 (feeling pretty good about ourselves if we make it to 9:00!) and getting up at 6:15, when the sun first peeks over the horizon
Brio at anchor in San Evaristo ~ we scrambled up the cacti-covered hillside to stretch our legs and take a few pictures from up above.
Jon finally got the hat that he’s been coveting since we first arrived in Mexico. He’s been calling me “little lady” ever since 🙂
Happy to be in La Paz
AND, to top off a perfect week — we’ve caught 3 gorgeous tunas. I am a fiendish fish killer (note the winch handle in one hand and gaff in the other), but I leave the catching & cooking up to Jon 🙂 Only downside is the blood spatter all over everything!!!
A view from the top of the hill of one of our anchorages — Brio is the boat on the left, anchored peacefully in “San Juanico”
The sun setting as we sail across the Sea of Cortez, towards Baja. Our crossing was relatively uneventful; lumpy seas made for an unhappy partner (but he managed to cook me dinner before it got too rough!!), and some random lightning storms kept us alert through the night, but nothing was sweeter than sunrise the next morning, coming up over a new part of Mexico
The wind was light enough that we flew the drifter and the genoa for a while — a massive amount of sail area, and quite a lot of fun too 🙂
We’re not sure what “UCE” stands for — they said something about a place for kids, but “not poor kids!”. Doesn’t really matter, Jon got the shirt for 10 pesos ($0.80)
A perfect afternoon
Looking down over the bay at Isla Isabel — a Jurassic-park-like setting if I’ve ever seen one!
Our favourite veggie man, who we visit at least every other day!
The view of Brio from the top. The large blue thing in the cockpit is my new kneeboard (a Christmas present from my sister!) that I am *very* excited to try soon 🙂
Happy to be at the top!
Around Vancouver Island: June 2010
In June 2010 we spent a month taking my parents sailboat, Synchronicity, around Vancouver Island. We figured this would be a good test for us (do we really like each other??) as well as how much we actually liked sailing… guess you can figure out how that all turned out! 🙂
Despite 24 days of rain… we had a fantastic trip! Here are a few highlight pics from our trip around the island:
The route
Roller Bay, North End of Vancouver Island
Getting along pretty well
Cold & wet
Hot springs!
Around the World on Synchronicity: 1998 – 2002
Because this really was the beginning of it all, the trip that gave me ‘the sailing bug’, the years of my life that defined our family and the adventure of a lifetime… a few shots from 4 years of cruising.
My mom, dad, sister Jessica and I, aboard Synchronicity, our Fraser 41′ sailed around the world from 1998 to 2002. Jess and I were home-schooled during these years, and mom was our teacher. Synchronicity was bought as a kit-boat, and dad spent 3 years building her in our backyard from 1992-1995; they still own her, and she is currently moored in Vancouver, BC.
Circumnavigation Route
Proudly showing off my handiwork (Courtesy flag for Tonga)
Living the good life in the Maldives
Jess & I hanging out on the dodger with the “toe” of Italy in the background
On watch underway to Australia (age 12)
The glamorous cruising life…
A Sri Lankan pole fisherman
Jess & I with our new friends in Oman
Kruger Family in Moorea (1999)
Hi guys. The boat looks great! Happy sailing
Hi, Found you searching for info on Nor west 33 !. I live in SF Bay Area and spend time in Penobscot Bay in summers. I’m looking at a Nor West and was impressed with your peregrinations! Thanks for the site.
Too funny, you’ve got the yin to our yang! Which Nor’West are you looking at? I have an owners list if you’re interested in any of the history etc… just let me know 🙂 We love keeping in touch with other owners!!