Our generous friends on Kalliope grabbed these fantastic shots for us on our passage from Zihuatanejo to Acapulco — thanks guys!!
It’s always so much fun to have pictures of your boat under sail…
The close-up of the pic above is pretty cute (see below)… we’ll call this “googley-eyed lovers gazing at sea” 😉
And there’s nothing like sailing wing-on-wing with a full main and a drifter to get your inner racer’s heart pounding happily 🙂 We were cruising along at a nice 7 knots in 10-12 knots of breeze… not bad for our little cruiser!!
These are also the first pictures we have of our new mainsail in use. We bought this 9.6 oz, full-batten, triple-reefed, lovingly en-logo’d mainsail for $1680 from National Sails in Florida, and could not be happier with it!
Looking great! Did the new mainsail make a big difference?
Thanks David! And ohhhh yes to making a big difference 🙂
We especially notice the difference in upwind sailing — the new sail holds a nice tight shape that the old one(s) could never attain! Full battens (vs old partially battened main) are a big part of this, as well as the extra roach that we added (the old sails also had very little roach).
The biggest plus? We don’t have to worry about the darn thing tearing itself to shreds every time we go sailing! Hand-stitching days begone!! 🙂 Now if only we could get a bigger spinnaker we’d be *really* flying 😛