Rather than write you pages and pages about what we’ve been up to, I thought I’d let my iPhone snaps do the story-telling…
We moved to our ‘winter slip’. This means we’re tucked in closer to land (where it’s a little more protected). It also means we’re closer to the parking lot, the bathrooms, and the Starbucks across the street. These are all critical points for anyone contemplating a winter aboard in Maine 😉
One interesting aspect of our new slip is the depth. We sort of wallow in the mud during the super low-lows… but this seems to reduce the motion on the boat, so maybe we just call it a win?
Our new slip also means I can get a picture of my car and Brio in the same sunset. That’s a definite plus.
Jon and I had a quick visit to Vancouver for Canadian Thanksgiving. We’re trying to make this a two-turkey year 🙂
Vancouver blessed us with some fantastic weather…
And we had a great time catching up with old friends (who have amazing balcony views)
The other big highlight of this visit was not one I’d have predicted a few years ago… Dad and I ran a half-marathon.
For anyone who isn’t aware, I was *LITERALLY* the kid that hid in the forest on “run days” in gym class, so this was a pretty big deal. With the finish line in sight, I sprinted the last bit… and then just about passed out on the guy giving out medals 😉 Crossing that finish line was one of the best feelings I’ve ever experienced though…
My favourite part of visiting Vancouver is always getting to spend time with my sister.
She’s a professional athlete and a pretty kick-ass gal. Watching her play rugby (with her ENTIRELY male team) is an incredible treat.
Not that we get along very well…
At all…
Then it was back to Maine, where we had a weekend of chilly weather (including our first nights below freezing!) before the weather gods decided maybe it wasn’t time to be winter yet. We’ve been blessed with unseasonably warm 60-70 degree blue-sky days!
I’d be okay with a winter of this…
In metalsmithing news, I SOLD MY FIRST PIECES OF JEWELRY. They were a part of a fundraiser at a local art college, and I was really nervous that nobody would be interested (“who am I to call myself an artist?!”). So this was seriously exciting and I may or may not have cried little tears of joy when I found out they’d sold…
Here’s what I’m working on now: a *gorgeous* green amethyst set in sterling silver… this one might not be for sale 😉
And last but not least, we had an awesome Halloween complete with boat-themed pumpkins 😀
And that’s it! October according to my iPhone 🙂
PS: I read an article the other day that said we don’t think it’s strange to have our phones always within reach because we consider them to be a natural extension of our bodies. Phone on the table? No different than elbows. This is bothersome, maybe mostly because it seems to ring quite true…