I thought it would take us around two weeks to get off the dock with Brio II.
So of course it took us two months! 😉
The last couple days were a special flurry of activity, as Jon replaced our battery bank, made all new battery and starter and ground cables (with the biggest most expensive wire crimping tool you’ve ever seen — if you need to borrow one, you know who to ask!), and got everything squared away so we could actually leave the dock.
My contribution was playing with Magformers with Zephyr in the vberth so he’d stop trying to throw lugs in the bilge or steal Jon’s tools. Turns out kids’ toys are really super fun so my “job” was no work at all.
Have I mentioned we hadnt been out sailing yet? We hadn’t.
So when the projects and the weather and the temperatures and the work-week all aligned with Zephyr’s nap… we LEAPED at the chance!
We left 15 minutes after his nap started.
Got out of our (stupid awful fixed piling garbage) slip, got the sails up, and got cruising.
7.3 knots in 10 knots of breeze? Gimminy cricket Jonny, I think this baby can cruise!
We immediately entered ourselves into a “race” with the sailboat ahead of us.
After schooling them, we very humbly turned around and raced back to our slip.
Docking was amazing (this boat manoeuvers!!!) and Zephyr woke up approximately 4 minutes after we tied the last line.
And in case you wanted a mini peek into what life on a boat with a toddler is currently like… Z’s finally figured out how to get onto the galley counter AND how to get down 😉
So now no snacks are safe 🙂