It’s the cliché-est of the clichés, but the days really are long and the years really do feel short…
We’ve been in BC for two months, we fly back to the East Coast tomorrow, Zephyr turned 16-months last week, and suddenly Fall is just around the corner.
You’d think we’d have our life plans solidified for the winter, but you’d be wrong 🙂 Still working through the messy middle, still weighing pros and cons and boats and plans, and generally changing our minds every other day.
In an effort to make a concrete step forward, we did, however, buy the anchor for our new boat.
No, we haven’t sold (or even listed!) Brio yet, and no, we haven’t bought the new boat yet — but we love, *love* our Spade anchor on Brio… So when the bigger version of our current anchor went on super sale, we decided to play Cinderella and buy the anchor for the next boat before we buy the boat itself.
This, my friends, should tell you something about our current mental state 😉

Don’t trust these crazies!
Anyways, it’s all good and I keep reminding myself that we should be so lucky to have “problems” like these, and everything works out in the end — or it’s not yet the end!
Since I’ve taken 4000 photos and shared only 2000 of them (ha!), and I aim to update this little corner of the internet on some kind of as-yet-unidentifiable schedule, here are a few highlights from our amazing passed-in-a-blink summer in BC…
We had to weight-test the bike trailer (and my sister’s biceps) before we declared it totally safe 😉 …
We’ve spent as many weekends as possible sailing on Synchronicity, showing Zephyr mommy’s old home and some of our favorite spots in BC…
The grandparent bond is real. There will definitely be tears all around when we leave.
This little island is one we’ve been going to for as long as I can remember, and is now where Z got to experience his first hot dog roast too…
Still a boat kid, through and through…
We’ll be back, Vancouver!
– LMK 🙂
So sorry to have missed you this visit. Hopefully next time? Safe travels back to Brio and your next adventure! Rosemary