We’d had 6 people over for dinner on Brio before, but today we set a new record with 8.5 (Z is definitely a half).
Luckily they were all boaters so they didn’t mind cozying up and sharing our little home… actually there were a few comments about how nice it was to be warm (I already take our diesel heater for granted… so this was a good reminder to add HEAT to my list of things I am SO thankful for!)
Potluck-style Thanksgiving provided us with two delicious chickens (our intrepid neighbors cooked theirs in a Dutch oven on an alcohol stove, and Jon made ours in the cast iron skillet in the oven), I made two pumpkin pies and we had an apple crisp and stuffing and the whole deal!
We’d forgotten to buy cranberries, but Jon asked some random strangers if they had any cranberry sauce in their RV (they didn’t). They were walking by the boat and kept going, only to come back and offer to drive to a grocery store and buy us some… so we had cranberries! Thank you kind North Carolinians!!!

Z and his daddy with the miracle of cranberries!

Don’t tell him there’s a difference between pumpkin pie and plain pumpkin
Last Thanksgiving we’d just had our 20-week ultrasound and found out Z was going to be a “he”… this year we have a BABY and he’s awesome and we had an amazing day of friends, feasting and fun, and I am just so overwhelmed with gratitude for the miracle of this life and all the people in it that I don’t even have words to express it.
Sometimes life feels perfect, and I am just *incredibly* grateful for these moments.