We’re leaving La Cruz tomorrow. We’ve been here a month, we’ve got grass growing on the anchor chain and familiar faces in every restaurant in town, and it is time. And as much as Jon loves to tell people that my theme song is “On The Road Again” (which is not completely inaccurate…), that doesn’t mean that I like leaving.
This was the thought that struck me at 9:30 this morning, as I huffed fuel and water back and forth to the boat, trying to fill our tanks with enough diesel to bash our way north, and enough ridiculously expensive purified water that we can fart without panicking (Note to fellow cruisers: Dinghy dock water = not so potable). So as I was slamming water tanks around and trying to figure out how the heck we fit so much crap in our lazarette, I suddenly found myself curled in the corner, having a little cry about all the people we are leaving, and the impending ‘end of winter’ that is not too far around the corner.
Which, of course, is part of this transient life. You find these amazing people, places, and stories… you form instant bonds that would never have a chance in any other environment… and then you leave them all behind, tucking away pictures and memories and boat cards for the future, yelling “see you later!” because “goodbye” sounds just a little too permanent, and setting sail for a new horizon.
So. There it is. Today’s slightly subdued soundbite from Brio, who has a date with San Carlos and lots of north-ing to do to get there, and, who is of course, on the road again.
You are sure that the expensive filtered water isn’t just dingy dock water are you? 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Marc and I have been cruising your blog and really enjoy what we’ve seen, and what you’re doing and your general zeal for life. Yay for those who do not wait for “later.” I completely identify with hating winters and impatience. I’m so happy that you guys are doing what you love. Your boat is gorgeous. We will check in often to this fantastic space.
Miss you already – safe travels!