It hasn’t *only* been about the bottom of the boat though… Here’s what else we’ve been doing:
Sewing funny little cushions (out of Mexican doormats and left over foam), and making Tostadas (again and again and again!)
Working on the hoses that lead from the toilet to the thru-hull (hole in the hull of the boat that lets water in and out)
Trying to decipher which one of these spices is pepper... mostly they sell pepper with lemon, pepper with chili, or pepper with something else. SO hard to find just pepper!!
Hanging out with each other, enjoying work-yard life and the non-long-distance-life!
Jonathan's beloved windvane panel... because running a painting business all summer and then painting the bottom of the boat 4 times wasn't *quite* enough painting for him... The cobbler's kids may not have shoes, but the painter's boat definitely has paint!!! 🙂
Jon & Davide, one of the many friends he made -- all the workyard guys loved him because he would stop and practice his Spanish with them. Whenever I couldn't find Jon, I'd go to the guard shack and find him hanging out 🙂
The newly installed decals. There was a fight about a comma after 'Vancouver'. I said you needed it to let the reader know there was another line coming. Apparently this makes me a nerd, but even worse, an incorrect nerd. So I lost this argument (But I saved the comma, just in case...)
Extremely happy to have the SSB radio working, and to be listening to the "Sonrisa Net", which tells us the weather and forecasts for the area -- My call-sign is VA7LMK, just in case you wanted to know!
And this morning, feeling pretty darn happy to have the land portion of this adventure behind us, and a beautiful looking boat to show for it!