The only project more scary than installing a new engine in Maine in the middle of winter was painting the topsides. But the poor girl was starting to look a little rough (especially after we rebed the toerails a couple summers ago)…
So, of course, we’re painting the topsides.
Aside: why do they call it painting?
It should really be called “sanding” with the understanding that after 60 hours of sanding (we counted) you might get to spend 1 hour applying a coat of paint on top of your immaculately smooth surface.
At which point you’ll probably realize you a) missed a spot, b) just orange-peeled your baby-butt-smooth-surface and now need to sand down the whole thing, or c) really are more cut out for computer work than this boat business!
Because I never like to miss an opportunity to be awkward, I thought I’d share my painting technique (perfected on 3 coats of primer):
Despite my help, we are making progress! We were nearly derailed at the primer stage — the grey looked sooo nice, and we had a serious case of color-indecisiveness.
*Especially* when we peeled the tape (which we had to pre-primer sanding – always more sanding!) and contemplated a silver & gold boat…

Sanding out the “orange peel” from the primer was oddly satisfying though!
But in the end, in our hearts, Brio is a blue boat, so the first coat of “Aristo Blue” went on yesterday.
And now we get to fully explore the #joysofoutdoorworkyards 🙂