8:02 – Wake up. Look out the hatch, decide it’s going to be a sunny day again. Go to make coffee. Discover we’ve used up the ground coffee. Dig out grinder and beans. Check battery link to make sure there’s enough power for grinder. Grind coffee. Go to boil water, discover burner is oozing flames (this is a bad thing). Wiggle burner, bend burner, break burner. Curse burner. Add ‘fix burner’ to the mental list. Move kettle to a different burner.
8:31 – Turn on HAM radio. Listen to Jeff from Journey ask if there’s any “emergency, medical, or priority traffic”. Check in: “Lima, Mike, Kilo!“. Tell Jeff we bought a surfboard. Do post-check-in Happy Dance (crazy wiggles with lots of head and hair tossing. it’s the radio nerves expelling themselves in one big swooooof of excitement)
9:12 – Decide it’s time to start sanding. Sand bow. Sand hand rails. Sand trim pieces. Sand winch boards. Sand cubby holes. Sand pieces at the back that I don’t know the names of. Curse sanding. Sweep everything. Curse dust. Wipe everything with paint thinner. Curse paint thinner. Tell Jon I’m ready for him to measure out the varnish (he is the master of the varnish). Debate whether we should use 1 or 2 foam brushes. Spring for 2.
10:30 – Sick of varnishing. Jon makes breakfast out of leftovers – it’s really good. Look around at dust covering everything, unmade bed, kitchen full of dishes, cushions that won’t stay stuck to their velcro, art that’s throwing itself off the walls, burners that don’t work, stainless that needs shining, cockpit that’s a war zone, body that’s got sanding dust glued to it cuz you just can’t quite shower the same on deck as you can in a stall… Cry. Too many messes. Jon listens, helps me rationalize my woes. Apparently it’s not that bad.
11:12 – Decide to go to the Sunday market. Fight our way in to the dinghy dock (20′ boat is trying to call itself a dinghy). Stroll through the stalls, feel instantly better. Who says retail therapy isn’t real? Wait 10 minutes for freshly squeezed orange juice. Buy Bird of Paradise flowers (that we don’t really have a vase for, but who cares? They’re amazing). Buy spinach and shrimp empanadas (the original pizza pocket). Feel happy. Pick up 3 bags of ice on the way back to Brio.
2:30 – Continue reading Fallen Angels, latest book exchange treasure. Science Fiction is awesome (but Jon says I have to be quieter about my love for it).
3:00 – Zip over to Kist to see what their Superbowl / 32nd anniversary plans are. Admire their hammock the man in Mantenchen made them, make plans to meet up later, and leave wondering how we can like each other as much as they do 30 years from now.
3:20 – Load snorkelling gear, camera and books and hop in the dinghy. Zip over to quiet beach. Pull off a surf landing, haul dinghy on it’s awesome wheels way up the beach, and jump in. Visibility is poor, so we practice free diving, bringing up fistfuls of sand to prove we made it. Collect some small pieces of purple and pink coral, hoping it might help our flowers stand up.
5:00 – Rinse off with Solar Shower. Retract previous curses about solar showers — water is smoking hot. Put on ‘going to town’ outfit and get ready for Superbowl fun.
5:15 – Return “Mr. Poppers Penguins” to movie place (it was good — Jon laughed so hard I was afraid the neighbours would complain). Wander over to Philo‘s (the local cruiser hangout). Chat with Christian, a young single hander who surfs, and make loose plans to go surfing Tuesday. Spot Kist at a table, settle in with them. Debate the price of pizza, settle on burgers, start watching the game.
7:20 – Didn’t know these things went on so long – but I brought my SciFi book, so I’m happy reading while they watch. In between plays we compare notes with Kist on thruhulls, pizza recipes, Jabsco toilets, battery banks, Baja anchorages, and life in general.
9:00 – New England lost, but Jon’s not too distraught. I still don’t know the rules (but the Earthlings in Fallen Angel are planning a very exciting rescue attempt for their fellow Droogs and our burgers were delicious).
9:15 – Hip the dinghy, drink some lime water (plain tank water tastes awful), admire Jon’s side of the varnish, laugh as he tries to claim that sweet avocado is good (“my brother would never lead me astray!”) and then vault into the vberth to settle down for the night. Count stars through the open hatch. Dream of a new set of adventures for tomorrow.

The velcro is sticking, the art is hung up again, the floors are swept, the burner's still broken, but we've got fresh flowers so all must be well 🙂
Lima Mike Kilo, over and out.
Congrats old friend 🙂 xoAB