thanks for your blog
I am so pleased for you both for finding the boat finding the passion and going for your dream
I know you have scared your parents but Guess what they started this in you.
we are so proud of you and look forward to catching up next year.
i would also like to write an article about you for Ebb Tidings in Australia
so I hope you dont mind me taking some pics out and including them for our cruising group
Thank you guys — I think I can blame all you adults for instilling this madness in me!!
And of course, feel free to take any pictures you’d like from the site!
Big healthy hugs to you both — all my love!
thanks for your blog
I am so pleased for you both for finding the boat finding the passion and going for your dream
I know you have scared your parents but Guess what they started this in you.
we are so proud of you and look forward to catching up next year.
i would also like to write an article about you for Ebb Tidings in Australia
so I hope you dont mind me taking some pics out and including them for our cruising group
lots of love from Ian and Maralyn and Meltemi
Thank you guys — I think I can blame all you adults for instilling this madness in me!!
And of course, feel free to take any pictures you’d like from the site!
Big healthy hugs to you both — all my love!